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Reusable Filter, Philips Respironics Remstart Plus, Pro, BiPAP Pro2, Autosmart, Legacy C-Flex

SKU 201 CPF-F28PK1
5 available
Product Details
SOLD AS: EA ** CASE QTY: 1000 ** MSRP $: 1.91 ** COL: Gray ** SIZE: Standard ** TITLE: ** FEAT: ; ** S1: N/A ** S2: 5x5 ** ATTR: Reusable Filter, Philips Respironics Remstart Plus, Pro, BiPAP Pro2, Autosmart, Legacy C-Flex ** MAT: Foam ** PROD WT LBS: .01 lbs ** PROD CAP LBS: N/A ** ALLERGY: Latex Free ** CAT: CPAP ** CAT1: CPAP Supplies ** CAT2: CPAP Filters ** ASSEMBLY: No ** INST: INST Required ** BOX WT LBS: N/A ** DIM IN: 20x20x16 ** ORIGIN: USA ** MFG: Roscoe ** Warr: 90 Day Warr
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Reusable Filter, Philips Respironics Remstart Plus, Pro, BiPAP Pro2, Autosmart, Legacy C-Flex

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